Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Do you know#5!!!

And here's the other one...

Do you know?

I go everywhere and help to hold stuff in?

Monday, November 29, 2010

Do you know#4!!

Hey guys for the past weeks I have been doing a cool game called DO YOU KNOW, now it's bonus week I'm gonna be posting 2 DO YOU KNOWS because i need to keep up with yous all so here.

Do you know?

 I live up high but live outside and there are millions of me?what am I?


Gala was the best I saw heaps of old friends ands heaps of show off TEENAGERS they were EVERYWHERE, my class were doing the bottle tombola it was really fun I did one if the last shifts before the store shut down. when I played the game i won about 4 or 5 bottles of: 1 Big sparkling bottle, 4 little bottles of Raspberry, Cola, Lemonade, Green Lime and a Big Bottle of Coke. I was walking around with my friends Vili and Aashay, we got some chips bought a burger and more chips, said hi to friends that I haven't seen a long while and played with and talked to them. I had heaps of fun with all my friends and I can't wait till next year's one...Thanks Summerland for making up the GALA!!!

iGlork out!!

Thursday, November 25, 2010

Do you know#3!!!

Hey guys welcome back to another fun filled game of...DO YOU KNOW...this is our third game of the year as it has just came out but anyway before we go on any further last weeks winner was...NO ONE, nice try last week but the answer was a...COW, WOW i know that was a hard one I'll be taking that one for safe keeping's, now then lets get started.

Do you know, what am I??

I live in very wet places, I live for a very short span of time and am very fast?

Sunday, November 21, 2010

WOOHO!!! first in Shot put!!!

There I was last in line one by one I saw them shooting some missed, some in line and some even shooting to get in places. Here I go shot put under chin and back leg bent, SWOOSH up and over  "YES!!" I made it I was in 1st place BUT our first shot was to see who could push better than everyone else. 2nd shot was up I wanted to be last to see who would get the furtherest Antyx or Patrick was in first place (before I went) I was up legs bent I hopped towards the line and PUSH it made AGAIN mine was about 10-25cm in front of everyone's else's...YAY!!!I made it...Thanks for reading, iGlork out!!!

Flippa Ball!!

I have flippa ball every Sundays which is really fun. I'm going to one of my game's in about couple of hours (I wish it would hurry up), I'm usually in the middle which is trying to get the ball off anyone who has the ball usually in attack...Reporter = RE
Q. What do you like the most about Flippa Ball?
A. What I love most about it is that it's a quick fun and easy game.
Q. How long have you been playing for?
A. About 2-3 years and I've been in how many teams some may be good and some may be really bad (no names), but what I've I learnt is that "everyone is not as good as you" but some are a little better (maybe).
Q. Thanks for your time, this will be our last question. If you could versus anyone in your past, present teams who would it be
A. Well that's a hard question but if it was anyone it would probably have to be: Mathew .V.
RE. Now why would it be Mathew
A. It's because he's a real challenge for me and it would be a real competition. Thank you and good day, If you have any queries please contact my agent or company iGlork incorporated. Thank you no further questions...Thanks for reading, iGlork out!!!

Saturday, November 20, 2010

Do you know#2!!

Hey guys welcome back to another fun a interesting game called...DO YOU KNOW...!!!!!

Just before we get into it last weeks winner was AASHAY, well done aashay (because he was the only one who entered. Now that that's done let's get started...

Do you know what it is??

I can be seen almost anywhere and I am preferred slightly rare under 150c??